Sunday, January 20, 2013


At the house in PJ's.. how fun can that be!! At home with my 2 little angels.. playing all day

oh yeah.. something is on tv

put the spoon in the bottle

This is what i do for fun

Oh yeah.. reading is fun
7ayya 3la issalah

peek-a-boo.. its time to sleep..
oh wait.. is that me in the picture?
i am so cute

the cutest babies EVER

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

oh well.. back to school.. tired all over again..
but at least 3 days a week.. not bad right..
better start looking for work...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Second Trip

Our second trip to Chicago was to meet up with Hammam's family. It was fun..
we stayed for 3 days, 2 nights..

firs day we got there.. we met up with Hammam's family for dinner.. Yousef and Selina had a blast with their cousins..

Second day we went out for breakfast with our friends, then took the kids to the children's museum.. they played with blocks, water, they played in the pretend supermarket.. we stayed their for like 2 hours and then we realized that they were too tired to do anything.. so we went back to the hotel.. slept for couple of hours and then went out for dinner at the rainforest cafe with Hammam's family.. i never thought Yousef and Selina would like it but they did.. They were excited about the animals there.. their cousins played with them so it was cool.

Third day was a short one.. we just went to the cheesecake factory for lunch and headed back to michigan.. 

cutest girl ever.. about to leave to chicago
i am soooo tired mama!
look at those feet.. watching the Lorax
enjoying the bed with baba
time to break some ornaments

i'm gonna get u:)
