Sunday, February 5, 2012

I've been busy cz the babies have been sick for the past few days.. no sleep for me.. Yousef is so congested he barely sleeps at night.. poor little guy..

This kinda reminded me of the first 2 weeks we arrived to jordan.. we all got sick..
Hammam was here then.. he stayed in jordan for only a couple of weeks.. it was fun but we were all so tired.. and sick..

we were constantly going back and forth between my parents and his parents house..  but at least the babies got to meet the family:) everyone was so excited to meet them..
First night 
First day.. at the breakfast table
How cute is she!
With baba
Playing with Laith
Getting ready to go out:)
With Grandpa..

At Asma's House

Cutest baby ever:)


  1. salametkom. I wish I was around to help out. I hope you will get better soon.
