Monday, March 19, 2012

One Good Thing..

Signs & Symptoms:
- Stuffy nose
- Mucus buildup
- Cough
- High Temperature
- Fever
- Vomiting
- No Eat or Sleep

Check.. check and check

Yes we went to the doctor for our 6 month check up and took our immunizations..  that is one and a half months later.. crazy right! it looks like we r always sick...

Selina.. is 6.8 kg (14.9 pounds).. so she gained 0.800 kgs the past 2 months... less than 5 percentile..
Yousef is 9 kg ( 19.8 pounds).. he gained 2 kgs  the past 2 months... 75 percentile..

Yousef's reflux is back.. poor little guy.. crying all the time from reflux.. so we r back to lansoprazole..

But one good thing.. (as jana would say) is.. the cute bandaid


  1. You reminded me with the Mall Cop :)
    Salamethom inshallah.

    1. haha... da77aktni..
      Alla ysalmak 7bibii... mwaaa

  2. If i became a pediatrician, these would be the first thing i bring to my clinic:) hehehehehehehehehe:* love these cute little babies:*** mwaaaaaaaaaa:*

    1. inti seeri pediatrician ou ana bajiblek awwal 3ulbet bandaid:) mwa
