Monday, April 23, 2012

a perfect outing.. with the best cousin

So the day before hammam arrived to Jordan.. we decided to go to the mall.. of course.. with the best cousin ever.. she decided to sleep over and it was just great.. we had lots of fun.. and the kids love her..

feeding time
Lulu Kamannulu

Selina's best friend 
Oh yes! she's eating

Haggen Dazs Icecream! YUM


  1. miss you loooooooaaaaaaaaaaads,
    leenooooo, when are you going to put a new post, am checking here daily, can't wait :***

    1. miss u 2 juju... inshalla soonn... ou lazem a3ml rotation la hai issuwar kaman... i just dont have time to breathe.. mwaaa
